Vijay Ganesan
Vijay Ganesan

Digital Twins & Process Engineering Solutions allows process leaders to unlock insights on process risks, opportunities and understand the nuances. They do so by simulating a complex physical process, system or operations through connected diagnostics & process logs to simulate real conditions.

Today, Digital Twins & Process Engineering Solutions are being explored and adopted by variety of business functions such as Manufacturing, Product innovation, Concept Testing, Supply Chain Optimization, Customer Personalization, Marketing Operations and Dynamic Pricing etc.

In this webinar, we attempt to cover fundamentals of Digital Twins & Process Engineering Solutions with a few examples along with applications, considerations and benefits for different business functions from a practitioner's perspective.

Topics Covered:

  1. Digital Twins & Process engineering: What is it? How is it done? Where to start?
  2. Business Applications with Digital Twins - Examples and benefits
  3. The importance of connected data & getting it right!
  4. Leveraging AI for process simulation & optimization
[Webinar] Embedding Digital Twins and Process Engineering in Business Processes