Five Interesting Applications of AI in the Food Industry You May Not Have Known

AI and machine learning have been the buzzword for quite some time now. The use of such tools was previously limited to the digital world and computer science. However, recently it has made its way into multiple sectors including healthcare, education, finance, marketing, media, transportation, and gaming. Similarly, the food industry is also catching up with the developments in AI. From cooking to detecting food freshness, artificial intelligence has a lot of applications in the food industry. It can help the players in the F&B industry to improve offerings, deliver a better customer experience, and optimize operations. The growing use of AI in the food and beverage industry can be attributed to increasing customer expectations for foods that are healthy, unique, and handmade. Also, food manufacturers are constantly battling it out to find the perfect mix of taste, appearance, healthiness, and cost. Thats the exact reason whyfood companies are investing heavily in raw materials,safety and quality controls, and storage and distribution.

Contact us to know more about the uses of AI in the food industry, machine learning, and natural language processing in F&B industry.

AI in the Food Industry

Smart Apps, a Personal Diet Coach?

It is very common to see people quitting their diet plan way too early. However, some new apps for smartwatches help dieters stick to their routine by keeping people interested and developing healthy habits.Such apps have a built-in personal assistant, which acts as a fitness trainerand leverages speech and image recognition to learn about the food habits of the consumers to provide suggestions. The best part about such apps is that the user has totalk to it about what they’ve eaten. The app then calculates the approximate calorie intake and suggests personalized nutritional advice for the user.

Smarter Fitness Tracking Apps

Natural language processing (NLP) is an emerging area of artificial intelligence (AI). NLP combined with machine learning can enable businesses to process data in an efficient way to obtain personalized products and advice. A recent study showed that most people in London were suffering from stress and fatigue due to insufficient levels of zinc, vitamin E, and omega-3 in their diet. With the help of such insights, developers can build fitness tracking apps that would be able tosuggest an effective diet and workout plan to reach the desired personal health goals.

AI has transformed business processes across industries. Wonder how it can impact your business? Request a free proposal to find out more about its use cases.

Intelligent Chatbots

Customer experience is of the utmost importance for any brand. It is the reason why brands spend so much money on customer support or call centers. Some new companies take a whole new approach to solve customer queries –using AI-based chatbots. With the help of such AI-based chatbots,brands can provide responsive and cost-effective solutions to their customers.

AI and analytics have helped leading food companies to not only drive sales but also improve yields. Book a free demo to gain expert insights on how we can help you.

Fast Food Machines

Fast food is another area where AI is being effectively used. A US-based company has recently built a 24-square foot machine-powered burger assembly, which is capable ofmaking around 400 burgers an hour. The device prepares burgers from scratch without any human intervention. By leveraging the power of AI and automation, fast-food companies can save substantial amounts in worker cost, apart from ensuring swiftness in delivery.

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