
Retail Media is the New Cash Cow for Retail Industry

Build an in-house strategy to maximize the revenue generation from media offerings. Discover new avenues to engage consumers and brands with the power of data

Unleashing Retail Media: Where Profits and Brand Potential Converge

Embark on a retail revolution powered by cutting-edge analytics. Through intricate data analysis and pioneering AI, brands are orchestrating personalized consumer interactions, reshaping advertising precision, and redefining ROI benchmarks. Step into the vanguard of retail evolution, utilizing these analytics to sculpt strategies, elevate customer journeys, and pioneer a future where retail not only adapts but also thrives in the realm of limitless possibilities

Start your journey

Why Choose Quantzig

  • Deliver High ROI Immersive Experiences

    Leverage AR and VR to provide customers with immersive shopping experiences, allowing them to virtually try products before purchasing. Analytics track user engagement, preferences, and interactions within these virtual environments

  • IoT Integration With Retail Media

    The IoT connects physical products to digital ecosystems, generating a wealth of real-time data. Retailers can analyze this data to understand product usage, customer behavior, and preferences, tailoring marketing efforts accordingly

  • Contextual and Location-Based Analytics

    Utilizing geolocation data and contextual insights, retailers can deliver hyper-targeted advertisements and offers to customers based on their physical location, enhancing their in-store experiences

  • Unified Customer Journeys

    By integrating data across online and offline touchpoints, retailers can provide seamless customer journeys, ensuring that consumers receive consistent and tailored experiences throughout the purchase path


Related Capabilities

  • Business Process Automation

    Reduce the manpower required for manual processes in your business processes by 80% through our automation solutions. We create apps that automate your business processes

  • Data Visualization & Reporting

    Simplify your digital transformation through our intuitive, 3 click visualizations and reporting solutions

  • AI & Advanced Analytics

    With our AI toolkits, unlock your real-time intelligence & operationalize AI-driven decision support solutions at scale that are customized to your complex business requirements

  • Data Engineering

    With simplification at the heart of our principles, simplify your data stack through state-of-art, best-in-industry data engineering frameworks

  • Business Analytics Services

    Identify actionable insights, solve complex business problems and enhance performance across the business value chain with our business analytics solutions

  • Data Strategy Consulting

    Define your analytics roadmap and identify process, solution, and efficiency gaps. Discover plug-and-play business acceleration modules and scale analytics implementation for sustainable growth