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Webinar: Realize Higher ROI from Actionable Customer Analytics

The art of extracting more actionability from consumer data and advanced analytics. Wednesday, 1st March 2023 | 10:30 AM CST / 4:30 PM UTC | Duration: 60 Mins Get Your Copy Overview Get ready for another installment of Quantzig’s webinar. This time we have Sudarshan KL explain the nitty-gritties of the world of actionable customer analytics. We […]

Unleashing the Power of Telecom Analytics: Insights and Strategies

Written By: Sudeshna Ghosh In today’s rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape, the pursuit of cost savings and operational efficiency has become paramount for businesses seeking a competitive edge. With the ever-increasing complexity of the telecom landscape, companies are seeking ways to streamline their processes and reduce expenses without compromising on service quality. In this telecom industry […]

Top Pharma Data Management Solutions 

Written By: Sudeshna Ghosh In an industry where compliance, precision, and innovation are paramount, the need for advanced pharmaceutical management solutions has never been more pressing. The dynamic nature of pharmaceuticals demands a robust approach to managing large datasets efficiently and securely, while also adhering to strict regulations. Our comprehensive pharmaceutical data management solutions, crafted […]

Retail Sentiment Analysis: Understanding Consumer Trends for Business Success

Written By: Sudeshna Ghosh In the dynamic landscape of retail, understanding and responding to customer sentiment has emerged as a pivotal strategy for driving sales revenue and fostering long-term business success. Sentiment analysis, a sophisticated data analytics technique, has revolutionized how retailers interpret customer feedback, uncover actionable insights, and tailor their offerings to meet evolving […]

Healthcare Churn Analytics: Efficiently Forecasting Customer Attrition

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, maintaining patient retention is critical for the long-term success and sustainability of healthcare providers. Healthcare churn analytics emerges as a strategic approach to understanding and mitigating patient attrition. By leveraging advanced data analytics techniques, predictive modeling, and machine learning algorithms, healthcare organizations can uncover valuable insights into the factors […]

Customer Segmentation Analytics Helps Client Realize 8% Reduction in Customer Churn 

Highlights of the Customer Segmentation Analysis Case Study  Particulars  Description  Client  A global warehouse logistics solution provider  Business Challenge  To identify global, vertical, and horizontal customer segments  Reduction in customer churn  8%  Increase in monthly recurring revenue  11%  Increase in customer engagement  16%  Business Benefits of Customer Segmentation Analysis  As with any other business initiative, […]

[Upcoming Webinar] Embedding Digital Twins and Process Engineering in Business Processes