Why Predictive Data Analytics Is the Best Option for FMCG Companies

In the fiercely competitive realm of food delivery, the quest for growth is intricately tied to the ability to meet and exceed customer expectations. This Quantzig case study delves into the transformative impact of predictive analytics on the growth trajectory of food delivery companies. As the industry evolves, companies are increasingly turning to predictive analytical tools to drive personalization, predict demand, and ensure on-time deliveries. The case study unravels the strategic application of predictive analytics, elucidating how it empowers food delivery companies to curate personalized recommendations, forecast demand dynamics, and optimize delivery operations for enhanced customer satisfaction. By leveraging advanced data mining techniques and real-time insights, the case study demonstrates how predictive analytics in food industry emerges as the linchpin for staying agile, responsive, and ahead in a dynamic and competitive market landscape.

Ways food delivery companies use predictive analytics

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Personalize Services & Recommendations

Predictive analytics is a cornerstone for food delivery companies aiming to elevate customer satisfaction through personalized services and recommendations. By harnessing the power of this tool, these companies can gain valuable insights into customers’ food habits and preferences. Analyzing sales history enables the creation of personalized menus, suggesting new dishes that align with customers’ tastes. This not only enhances the customer experience but also encourages exploration of diverse culinary offerings. The ability to tailor recommendations based on individual preferences establishes a strong connection with customers, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Furthermore, predictive analytics in food industry goes beyond static recommendations. It dynamically adapts to changing customer preferences, ensuring that the suggested dishes remain relevant and enticing. This proactive approach to personalization aligns with the dynamic nature of customer tastes, creating a more engaging and satisfying food delivery experience.

Predict Demand

Anticipating and meeting customer demand is a pivotal aspect of success for food delivery companies. This tool, leveraging advanced techniques, empowers these companies to forecast demand accurately. By analyzing user interests, past data, and online journeys, predictive models can predict fluctuations in demand, enabling proactive resource allocation and optimization of delivery operations.

The predictive analytics in food industry considers various factors, including historical order patterns, seasonal sales trends, expected sales, and even external factors such as local events or promotions. This holistic data mining techniques ensure a comprehensive understanding of demand dynamics, allowing food delivery companies to stay ahead of the curve. Armed with these insights, companies can strategically plan their inventory, staffing, and operational resources, minimizing wastage and maximizing efficiency.

Ensure On-time Delivery

On-time delivery is a critical factor in customer satisfaction for food delivery services. Leveraging Predictive Analytics Tools play a pivotal role in not only understanding customer needs but also in analyzing traffic patterns to ensure timely deliveries. By integrating real-time information on traffic conditions, weather, and historical delivery times, predictive models can optimize delivery routes and schedules.

This level of predictive analytics in food industry helps food delivery companies navigate challenges such as peak hours, traffic congestion, and unpredictable events. This tool ensures that delivery fleets are strategically deployed, taking into account various dynamic factors that can impact delivery times. The result is an improved delivery experience for customers, fostering trust and loyalty.

Dispose Excess Stock and Trend Tracking:

Predictive analytics is indeed a valuable tool for FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) companies to effectively manage excessive stock and track trends. By harnessing the power of data, these companies can make informed decisions and optimize their operations.

Firstly, this tool enables FMCG companies to accurately forecast demand and identify potential excess stock situations. By analyzing historical sales data, future trends, current and historical facts, and other relevant factors, the AI-powered algorithms or AI techniques can generate accurate informed predictions. This helps companies proactively adjust their production and distribution strategies, minimizing the risk of overstocking and reducing associated food costs.

Furthermore, trend tracking is crucial for FMCG companies to stay competitive in the market. It can identify emerging consumer preferences, market trends, and shifts in demand patterns. Armed with this information, companies can adapt their product offerings, marketing campaigns, marketing strategies, and supply chain strategies accordingly. This proactive approach allows them to capitalize on new opportunities and maintain a competitive edge.

This solution offers FMCG companies a powerful solution to dispose of excessive stock and track trends effectively. By leveraging advanced algorithms and analyzing vast amounts of data, companies can make informed decisions, optimize their operations, and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

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About the Client

Founded in 2012, the client is one of the worlds leading online food ordering and delivery platform. Based out of Austria, the company has over 100+ restaurants and retails chains associated with its brand name.

Business Challenge

With the growing competition from different brands globally, food delivery companies are now combating the challenges using advanced predictive solutions. Today, a common challenge faced by food delivery companies revolves around analyzing the data thats available by tracking key metrics to measure performance, sales, and improve operations. Moreover, based on the need to manage increasing volumes and types of data from hybrid environments, food delivery companies also face challenges around data warehousing and data management.

Our client, a leading food delivery company, was looking to leverage predictive analytics to analyze historic sales and customer data sets to understand its sales processes and customer needs. Though the food delivery firm had an on-premise business intelligence (BI) solution to analyze data sets and generate reports, their siloed data management system posed several challenges that curtailed its ability to do so.  This is when they approached Quantzig looking to leverage its predictive analytics capabilities to bring about a significant improvement in their business process in terms of revenue, customer satisfaction, and market position. Additionally, they wanted to deploy a scalable data-driven framework to manage the huge volumes of data sets obtained from disparate sources.

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Solution Offered

Quantzigs solutions helped the client deploy a custom-built solution to gain insights into customer preferences and market trends. The engagement comprised of three phases each of which played a crucial role in collecting, segmenting, and analyzing their business data.

Phase 1

Quantzigs team worked with the food delivery firm to help them frame problem statements and offered actionable insights based on data analysis, market trend analysis, and reporting.

Phase 2

In phase two, our experts leveraged non-SQL unstructured data, descriptive and predictive data mining techniques, and data visualization tools to deliver self-serve reports & a build a robust framework for data management. Our solutions offered meaningful customer insights from high-level traffic data to granular insights on click behaviors.

Phase 3

The final phase revolved around the implementation of a robust predictive model framework that focused on improving their ability to manage complex data sets from hybrid environments.

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With Quantzigs predictive data analytics solutions, the online food delivery services provider was able to:

  • Gain real-time insights to boost sales
  • Offer personalized recommendations
  • Increase sales by shortening the path to order
  • Improve data management ability


Predictive analytics has emerged as a game-changer in the food delivery industry, revolutionizing how companies meet customer expectations and drive growth. By leveraging advanced data mining techniques and real-time insights, food delivery companies can personalize services, predict demand, and ensure timely deliveries, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. As the industry evolves, predictive analytics remains the linchpin for staying agile, responsive, and ahead in a dynamic and competitive market landscape.

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